CWCH Services
We invite you to learn more about the services offered at the Chiropractic Wellness Center of Hudson. Please click on any of the services below to expand on more information.
Utilizing the latest equipment and techniques, we have all of the tools to keep your body operating at its optimal performance.
The doctors at CWCH have extensive training in Prenatal/Pediatric Care.
Pediatric Chiropractic is gentle, safe, and encouraged for children of all ages from infant and on.
We utilize System Strength Analysis to muscle test the body to check the energized state of the systems, organs, and glands.
Designed to break up scar tissue that has formed in muscles, ligaments, and tendons from repetitive use injuries.
Affects the circulation of blood, reduce muscular tension or flaccidity, affect the nervous system, and enhances tissue healing.
Spinal alignment and muscle re-education are imperative to the overall results seen by our patients.
Helping to achieve goals of weight loss, increase muscle mass, or a speed and agility for athletes.
Reiki (ray-key) is an ancient Japanese healing technique meaning “Universal Life Force Energy.”
Canine patients range from house pets to national champions and equestrian patients range from trail riders to dressage and barrel racing competitors.
Using the RPR® wake up drills™, shift your body out of harmful patterns, reduce pain, increase flexibility and become more resilient to injury.
Dry Needling is a intramuscular stimulation healing technique used to treat myofascial trigger points and dysfunction in skeletal and connective tissue to promote healing.